Greetings folks,
I want to tell everyone how I appreciate all you do for our classroom community. We had a wonderful and as-authentic Medieval Feast-as we could have!!! All of your support in providing creative foods, beverages, and costumes made our culmination to our Medieval studies a blast. Thank you for your generosity! FIELD TRIPS TO SEE "GATHERING BLUE" AM CORE: THURSDAY 5/2 8:30 until 11:30 chaperones: Sarah Hamilton's Mom, Adrian's Mom Heidi, Eli's Mom Evelyn PM CoRE: WEDNESDAY 5/1 10:45 until 1:30 chaperones: Holden's Mom Joan, Finn's Mom Robin, Nick's Mom Ma HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING
SOCIAL STUDIES We will begin our study of the Renaissance- beginning with a Geography Challenge and map of the region. In the spirit of da Vinci, Ann Fournier
Greetings Folks,
LATE START WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. Schools begins at 10:15. Katie, our school counselor, will be chatting with, and giving 2014 forecasting papers to, 6th and 7th graders on April 17. Forms, with a parent signature, are due back April 23. Please be aware that students who do not return their forms or turn them in on time will more than likely not be given priority for electives. Your prompt return of this form is greatly appreciated. RUN FOR THE ARTS pledge money is due April 22. The 7th period class that raises the most money will win the class party. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING: This week will be our last week of reading “Crispin Cross of Lead.” Students are working on study questions that will be due typed next Tuesday, 4/23. WRITING: We will be working on our Medieval Character Journals. Students need to type or use black ink to in rewriting their entries. Final Journals are due Tuesday, 4/23. Please see criteria for final drafts. We will have a work period daily to complete- I encourage students to bring metallic gel pens, fine tip black sharpies, scrap booking papers, graphics and borders and any other supplies needed. SOCIAL STUDIES: *The Demise of Feudalism * Illuminated Letters for Journal Covers HOMEWORK:
Much Thanks, Ann Fournier Hi Folks, This week marks the end of 3rd Quarter! All late work needs to be turned in no later than Monday, 4/8. I recommend checking all your child’s grades on Edbox so there are not any surprises come report cards. RUN FOR THE ARTS pledge money is due April 22. NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, APRIL 12. Teachers will be completing their grades and planning for next quarter. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING
Many Thanks, Ann Fournier Greetings all, I hope everyone has had a relaxing and invigorating Spring Break. The weather today is absolutely gorgeous and truly smells and feels like Spring. DON'T FORGET TO GET THOSE RUN FOR THE ARTS PLEDGES filled out. There is a competition between 7th period classes. The winning class will win a party. PLEDGE FORMS ARE DUE APRIL 4. The run is scheduled for April 5 (weather permitting). Curriculum READING We are continuing to read Crispin Cross of Lead and will be working on completing Journal questions around themes, plot, characterization, and literary elements. VOCABULARY Vocab. goes home Mon. due Friday test Friday www is due Monday, test Monday 4/1 WRITING Students are drafting Medieval Journal entries 4 and 5 incorporating facts surrounding life in our Village. SOCIAL STUDIES
HOMEWORK · Journal 3 due Mon. 4/1, Journal 4 due Wed. 4/3, Journal 5 due Friday 4/5 · Mini Drama presentations are due Friday · www due 4/1, test 4/1 · Vocabulary due Friday test Fridat Best Wishes, Ann Fournier MARCH 17, 2013 Greetings all, This is our big week before Spring Break!!!! We have our Literary Tea Party for the novel Crispin on Monday, AM Core has a field trip Thursday, and our Talent Show is Friday. Not to mention our LATE START WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 – OUR CLASS.LITERARY TEA PARTY IS MONDAY. BRING A BOX OF COOKIES OR JUICE BOXES TO HELP US BEGIN THE NOVEL CRISPIN CROSS OF LEAD BY AVI. Have a terrific spring break everyone! HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION VOCABULARY
BEST, ANN FOURNIER Greetings all, This week we are taking our OAKS Reading test. Testing will be daily and do become part of your child’s academic history. Please see that your child gets to bed reasonably, eats healthy (not skipping breakfast and lunch) and is present this week. PM Core FIELDTRIP to the Art Museum this Wed., 3/13 from 10 am until 1:00 pm. Chaperones you may show up at 9:45 in room 304. Give yourself time to check in with the office prior to coming up to the classroom. We will have an early lunch before going to the museum. Remember to pack a lunch from home or bring $ to eat at Pioneer Place. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING
VOCABULARY No Vocabulary this week due to testing! WWW is postponed to next Monday, 3/18. SOCIAL STUDIES MIDDLE AGES HOMEWORK
ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps:
Warm Regards, Ann Fournier MARCH 1, 2013 Greetings Folks, We are in need of more parent chaperones for our March field trip to the Art Museum. Please let me know if you can attend or we may need to cancel. It is hard to believe that this coming Tuesday denotes the halfway point in quarter three. We are at the midterm for third quarter. You should be able to check-in on grades in EdBox Sunday evening to see what your child’s midterm grades will look like. Students in the spring production of SPACE OUT have an all day pullout on Wednesday and will need to check in on work they've missed. I recommend they check in with ALL their teachers prior to Wednesday. Space Out opens Friday, March 8. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Homework:
WRITING African Fables are due typed Thursday! All drafting and peer editing will be done in class. SOCIAL STUDIES OUR FOCUS IS THE FEUDAL SYSTEM AND MANOR LIFE IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE. OUR STORYLINE BEGINS THIS WEEK. ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps:
Warm Regards, Ann Fournier 25 FEBRUARY 2013 Greetings all, da Vinci's Open House is on Tuesday, Feb. 26. I will be asking for student volunteers to answer questions hopeful students and families have about our school. Students who help will need to be at school from 5:00 to 6:30. I will have my daughter Kaitlin with me, who is currently a fifth grader hoping to come to da Vinci. I will have pizza for my student volunteers. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING
In the spirit of da Vinci, Ann Fournier 16 FEBRUARY 2013 Greetings all, February is SO amazingly hectic!!! Our Literary Lovefest was filled with Literature Booklets, sharing of treats and eachother. Thanks for all your donations!
WWW Test is Wednesday, 1/20. Vocabulary will resume the week of 3/28. This week our integrated social studies writing focus is drafting our informative “ Travel Guide for Surviving a Trans-Saharan Journey.” Students are creating a 1300’s African Trader character that will record their expert advice on how to successfully cross the Sahara Desert. Rough Drafts are due Wednesday, and Final Drafts will be presented on Friday. SOCIAL STUDIES This week students will focus on learning about the influences of Islam on West African culture today. In a Social Studies Skill Builder, they read about various Islamic influences, such as religious practices and education, and use their new knowledge to analyze photographs of West Africans and identify the Islamic influences they see. MIDDLE AGES Storyline begins in March!!!! HOMEWORK
Core Auction Projects: We will be working with local artist and da Vinci parent Kimberly Vanko to create succulent art. Students will be donating a succulent for either an indoor terrarium or an outdoor metal art sculpture. The am Core will create indoor art and the pm Core will focus on the outside piece. This will influence the type of succulent your child brings in. I will provide more information on due dates for the project as Kimberly presents it to me. ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps:
Warm Regards, Ann Fournier Greetings all, This week seemed to fly! Monday everyone brought in some amazing Edible Maps of Africa. I will try later this week with the assistance of my student technicians to post photos on my website. Students were very busy with creating scripts and rounding up props and costumes for their Book Commercial Projects. These will be performed or presented on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING
NEXT UP FOR SOCIAL STUDIES European geography and Middle Ages in Europe Storyline ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps:
Warm Regards, Ann Fournier HOMEWORK NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 3, 2013 Greetings all, Last week was filled with the anticipation of Thursday evenings Dance Concert. Thanks to all those that volunteered and supported the dancers in this beautiful exhibition of talent. We are now beginning our 3rd quarter!!! HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING This is our final week of Literature Groups. Students will work on Week 4 jobs (last meeting will be Friday, 2/8) and completing their Lit. Group Booklets with a cover, and book review. Booklets will be due on Monday, 2/11. Students are working with their group to present Television Commercials advertising their novel. Commercials air on Tuesday, 2/12 and Wednesday, 2/13. The criteria will go home Tuesday, 2/5. Students need to be reading 30 minutes daily. VOCABULARY Vocab. is due Friday, Feb. 8. Test on Friday. WRITING Students have been using the writing process to develop “narrative vignettes” giving the reader a picture of themselves in the future. The point is to present us with a slice-of-life (no more than a day) of the person that they project themselves to become at any age that they choose. We began drafting last week and will begin our Final Copies tomorrow. The class will have a community sharing on Wednesday. SOCIAL STUDIES Edible maps of Africa are due Monday during our snack time. We will have a museum tour and give feedback on our class mates projects. Our final geography test will be Tuesday. Students will learn this week why trade moving through Ghana and Mali resulted in the growth of these kingdoms. They will be able to identify the trans-Saharan caravan routes through the kingdom of Ghana. They will describe how trade in gold and salt led to the growth of Ghana and Mali. NEXT UP FOR SOCIAL STUDIES European geography and Middle Ages STORYLINE ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps: STUDENTS MUST MAINTAIN A "B" AVERAGE THROUGH MARCH 20 IN ORDER TO ATTEND THIS TRIP. WE WILL BE MONITORING GRADES & EFFORT. Your next payment of $90 is due February 8. PERMISSION PAPERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18. Final payment for the trip is also due on or before March 18. There is a MANDATORY evening meeting for the trip on March 18. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND OR DECIDE AGAINST GOING, YOU MUST LET Ms. Wasson KNOW IMMEDIATELY. We have students on the waiting list. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER FEBRUARY 1 PEACE, Ann Fournier |
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