25 JANUARY 2013 Greetings all, WE ARE ALMOST HALF WAY THROUGH OUR SCHOOL YEAR!!! Thursday marks the “End of the Grading Period.” I am spending much of my weekend scoring students 5 paragraph Expository Character Analysis Essays. All late or missing assignments are due Monday, 1/28 so that I can have time to assess and grade work prior to Friday. Thanks for all you are doing at home to support our academic program. Reading the Newsletter, tracking homework, reminding kiddos to organize their three ring binders and budget time are all beneficial to their success. This is a learning process with an outcome being independence and self monitoring- without parent intervention! Core Community Building Opportunity: I met with our classroom LEO leaders two weeks ago regarding Core Community Opportunities. I have had two volunteers help with contacting various places for a Core Excursion (Omsi, the Zoo, Parks and Rec. Community Centers, etc.). After exploring all options for an ALL INCLUSIVE venture student leaders voted to have a movie night at school. I am exploring evenings that work around our Arts Department since students would like to have a “PAJAMA, PIZZA and MOVIE on the Stage NIGHT.” The cost will be $5 for pizza and pop. The date and time is unknown. I will keep you posted as these become solidified. Parent Volunteers will be appreciated☺ HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING Students are currently working on CHARACTER ANALYSIS POSTERS. THESE ARE DUE TUESDAY. • Book groups meet on Thursday, Jan. 31. Students will need to be ¾ of the way through their books. • Students need to come to class with the RESPONSE page for week 3 finished in their blue booklet by Jan. 31. STUDENTS WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY ADDITIONAL TIME IN CLASS ON THURSDAY TO COMPLETE THIS WORK. THEY MUST WALK INTO CLASS THURSDAY WITH ALL OF IT COMPLETE. • THE BLUE BOOKLET IS DUE Feb. 11th (all inside pages, front and back cover with a three paragraph Book Review included) • If they are the Discussion Director for week 3, they need to have all five of their questions completed by Jan. 31. • They will complete the final REFLECTION side (the right side) of the booklet post-discussion with their group. • Students will fill out the self, group, and book group evaluations after the final meeting on Feb. 8th. • There are specific instructions inside the blue booklet if you require more details on any part of the booklet. Instructions for the front and back covers can be found on page 5 in the booklet. • Please be sure to read over the Discussion Director duties as these rotate each week and are a part of each student's responsibility. Writing WWW composition book and notecards due Monday- test Monday Vocabulary due Monday, Test Monday THERE WILL BE NO NEW VOCABULARY WORDS THIS WEEK. Students will be working on creative writing this week. We will go over “Smiley Face Criteria”- this glossary of writing criteria will be kept in students three ring binders for the remainder of the school year and used as a reference tool. SOCIAL STUDIES This week we are beginning our unit on West Africa. Students will preview key places and events they will encounter in this unit. Monday students will read and interpret three specialty maps to learn about West Africa. Working in pairs, they answer questions while labeling and drawing on a map of Africa. Afterward, they discuss critical questions related to their completed maps. Our focus this week will be on the geography of the region and how it impacted specific cultures and kingdoms during the period from 500-1600 C.E. Students will have an at home Edible Map Project due Monday, 2/4. Requirements go home on Monday, 1/28th . ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps: • Students must maintain a "B" average in all classes and effort must be notable through March 20. • We will be checking on grades and effort again on January 31. • If any student is on academic or effort probation, that teacher has the final say of whether or not a student has accomplished what was agreed upon. • Your next payment of $90 is due February 8. • PERMISSION PAPERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18. • Final payment for the trip is also due on or before March 18. • There is a MANDATORY evening meeting for the trip on March 18. • IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND OR DECIDE AGAINST GOING, YOU MUST LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY. We have students on the waiting list. • I will have to conduct a lottery for parent chaperons as I have received several requests. I will announce the outcome next week. • NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER FEBRUARY 1. CELL PHONE POLICIES (really this applies to any electronic item brought to school) • Cell phone usage is permitted from 8 to 8:10 inside the building, outside during recess (NOT INSIDE THE BUILDING), and after school starting at 2:45. • The general rule to remember and follow during lunch/recess is NO CELL PHONE USAGE IF My policies are the same as the school's with only a few exceptions and those are: • When students are researching vocabulary elements (definitions, parts of speech, etc.). However, there are plenty of dictionaries and thesauruses available and smart phones are not required. • Generally when the library or library computers are unavailable, I allow students to use a smart phone for research. Like I said, these can be tools for good and I am learning, along with my students, how they can improve our learning appropriately. It's all a process. In the spirit of da Vinci, Ann Fournier HOMEWORK NEWSLETTER 18 JANUARY 2013 Greetings all, I hope that you are able to celebrate or reflect on Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and message with your family this weekend! We are entering that time of the school year when students are having to navigate their world of academics and their extracurricular lives. We have state testing, school projects, Capstone, Drama Productions, Dance rehearsals, sports, winter colds, and Rock Opera’s all that require time and energy. Stay sane and provide opportunities to help with time management. Looking at your week ahead and plan homework and activities on a calendar helps. I will be updating grades Monday so check Edbox in the evening to see your child’s current grades. We are closing in on the end of the Grading Period, so this is a good time to check in and celebrate successes or catch up on missing assignments before it is too late. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION READING • Book groups continue on Friday, Jan. 25. • Students need to come to class with the RESPONSE page for week 2 finished in their blue booklet by Jan. 25. I do not give work time on Thursdays to complete work. Students MUST come with the work complete to get satisfactory points for the work. • If they are the Discussion Director for week 2, they need to have all five of their questions completed.They will complete the REFLECTION side (the right side) of the booklet post-discussion with their group. • There are specific instructions inside the blue booklet if you require more details. • Please be sure to read over the Discussion Director duties as these rotate each week and are a part of each student's responsibility. • . VOCABULARY Students typed MLA format Shabanu-Character Analysis Essays are due Tuesday, Jan. 23rd. • Words go home Tuesday and the practice work and test will be the following Monday, Jan. 28. • Students need to be sure to study all aspects of the words this week as they may be asked to know the definitions and parts of speech. SOCIAL STUDIES On Tuesday we will go over how to complete our Bibliography for our Ka’ba project. Complete Ka’ba Islam projects with separate typed Bibliographies citing all works used is due Wednesday, Jan. 23rd. On Tuesday and Wed. students will review our Islam unit through completing a Study Guide. Our Final will be held on Thursday. 6th and 7th graders will have access to their Study Guide and ALL Notes taken during the unit. 8th Graders will have a closed note test. Our next unit of study will be Africa during the Medieval period. We will begin with a Geography Unit in which students will have an Edible Map as homework. More information will be coming home next week. The homework is: • READ your novel up to the half way mark and prepare for Week 2 job in your Lit. Group book. • Vocabulary due Monday, Jan. 28th test that day • Word Within a Word test and notecards for List 6 due Mon. Jan. 28th • Ka’ba Project due Wed., Jan 23rd with typed Bibliography • Study Guide and Islam Final Thursday, Jan. 24th ASHLAND TRIP INFORMATION Students have been selected for this year's trip. If your child was selected, please note the following important next steps: • Students must maintain a "B" average in all classes and effort must be notable through March 20. • We will be checking on grades and effort again on January 31. • If any student is on academic or effort probation, that teacher has the final say of whether or not a student has accomplished what was agreed upon. • Your next payment of $90 is due February 8. • PERMISSION PAPERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18. • Final payment for the trip is also due on or before March 18. • There is a MANDATORY evening meeting for the trip on March 18. • IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND OR DECIDE AGAINST GOING, YOU MUST LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY. We have students on the waiting list. • Ms. Wasson will have to conduct a lottery for parent chaperons as she has received several requests. I will announce the outcome next week. • NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER FEBRUARY 1. Enjoy the Celebration of Martin Luther King Jr’s. life and efforts towards the achievement of equal opportunities for ALL. Warm Regards, Ann Fournier NEWSLETTER JAN. 14, 2013 Greetings all, We have seen quite a few upper respiratory viruses this week. It hit me hard mid week keeping me home on Friday. Remember to have your child stay home if they are still contagious. I will also give my famous “wash your hands after…..” lectures on Monday. Get plenty of zzzz’s, water, healthy eating, and relaxed family down time! This week we will be completing our Ka’ba projects. We will be researching the “Accomplishments of Islam” that impacted World civilizations. Students will choose four to focus on adding to their project. Students will also complete an integrated art piece using water colors to create a geometric and floral design. In Writing we are working on our rough draft of our Character Analysis for the novel, “Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind.” Students will support their thesis statement in using embedded quotes and supporting details. We will draft our 3-5 paragraphs this week. Please refer to our timeline for due dates. Our focus for the week in literature will be our Literature Group Novel study. Our first Job and meeting will be due Friday. Students will have a reading log to track daily homework. THIS WEEKS HOMEWORK: * Ka'ba Project: Islamic Contributions to World Civilizations: Sides 4 and 5 * Literature Group Job #1 due Friday * Parent Initials after paragraphs 2-5 are completed * Reading Homework and first fourth of their novel complete by Fridayt We have a two hour late opening on Wednesday. In the spirit of da Vinci, Ann Fournier JAN. 7TH HOMEWORK NEWSLETTER We are officially “Back to School!” This week we got off to a great start to the 2013 year. Students completed draft 2 revising and editing their Narratives, created the map of the Middle East, learned about Muhammad’s early years and finished the novel “Shabanu-Daughter of the Wind.” THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE: READING We are concluding our study of the novel “Shabanu” by writing a three paragraph Book Review. On Monday and Tuesday we will work on completing our Book Jackets and Book Reviews for our Literature Group Books that are due on Wed., 1/9. Book groups start this Monday, January 7.. If you're interested in taking part in book groups please let me know soon. Our meeting days will be 1/18 (Fri.),1/25 (Fri.), 1/31 (Thurs.) and 2/7 (Thurs.). AM Core meetings will be held from 8:30. PM Core meetings will be held at 11:00 am on Fri. and Thurs. at ? . The meetings usually run about 20 minutes. On Monday students will be assigned their book group novels. They are to read the first fourth of their novel by Thursday, 1/11.They will also be assigned their next Literature Group Booklet. This is where students will record their responses and reflections for each week's reading. Students need to have the RESPONSE side of the booklet completed before each book group discussion session.We will go over all are instructions that are inside booklet as a class. WRITING This week we are writing Book Reviews and beginning our Expository Character Analysis. Our Book Reviews will become the back page of our Shabanu Literature Group Books. We will then begin to choose quotes from the novel that shows how the main character Shabanu changes in the novel. HISTORY We are working on our Ka’ba Projects: finishing our study of the Prophet Muhammad and researching the cultural, artistic, literary, architectural and scientific accomplishments of Islam. Please note on Monday I will be signing off their checklists and asking parents to do so also. This will help track due dates. HOMEWORK * Final Typed Narratives are due tomorrow 1/7- please review typing Criteria * Read 30 Minutes Nightly in Monday’s assigned Lit. Group novel * Shabanu Literature Group Book with Cover and Book Review due Wednesday, 1/9 * Paragraph One of “Shabanu Expository Character Analysis” due Friday: We will draft this during class and parents will review and sign off on Thursday. Look for the criteria and timeline for this assessment coming home on Wednesday. * WWW Group List 6 is due and test 1/28. This week you will create flash-notecards on all words list 1-5 due 1/14. Core Enrichment Activity Update: I will be meeting on Monday with our classroom LEO leaders to get their input before making a decision. Some of the possible options we are looking at include: an overnight at Omsi on the submarine, an evening of skating and rides at OAKS Park, or an evening at Sky High. I will send home information later this week. Ashland Trippers: I sent home packets on Thursday!!!We will be checking on grades and effort again on January 31. If any student is on academic or effort probation, that teacher has the final say of whether or not a student has accomplished what was agreed upon. Your $100 deposit is due on or before January 11. There will be a permission packet given out when we return from break. PERMISSION PAPERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 18. Final payment for the trip is also due on or before March 18. There is a MANDATORY evening meeting for the trip on March 18. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND OR DECIDE AGAINST GOING, YOU MUST LET Ms. Wasson KNOW IMMEDIATELY. We have students on the waiting list. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER FEBRUARY 1. Thanks for all your support! Ann Fournier NEWSLETTER JAN. 2, 2013 Greetings all, I hope that the New Year finds you all well and excited to start back to school. We have less than five weeks remaining in this quarter and I will be continuing our Islam Unit, "Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind" novel study, and our Narrative writing piece. Our first writing assignment will be our narrative we began before break. Our rough drafts will be peer edited on Wednesday. Students will then revise using our Narrative Analysis Criteria. Final typed copies will be due on Friday. In literature we are finishing our Literature Group Booklets for Friday’s final meetings. This week we complete our novel study of "Shabanu, Daughter of the Wind." Next week students will write an “Expository Character Analysis” showing how the protagonist changes in the novel. Our social studies unit will focus on our Islamic Ka’ba Project. This week students will complete research on the life of the prophet Muhammad and completing side two of the project. This week we will also focus on the accomplishments of Islam. This is also a good time to replenish your child’s school supplies. Here are some items to assure your child’s success as we return: • lined paper • pencils • pens • colored pencils, markers, watercolors • scissors • glue • a fine black tip sharpie Core Overnighter: more info coming your way soon!!! I hope you've all had a reviving winter break. In the spirit of da Vinci, Ann Fournier
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